Pat Ryan Music World Fan Base. 94 Countries Wow!!!

Pat Ryan Music Fan Base:

Number 1 - USA,    Number 2 - China,    Number 3 - Canada

I am amazed at how my music site has reached out and been touched by music lovers around the globe. This past year, there where 175,000 people that dropped in to listen on my personal music site from 94 countries. To my friends and fans from the following locations around the world, a “BIG THANK YOU” for your interest and support.   ..Pat

Yeah World!!!

Canada, Singapore, United States, Cambodia, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Guatemala, Switzerland, Panama, Hong Kong, South Africa, China, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Costa Rica, New Zealand, India, Chile, Germany, Ukraine, Ireland, Romania, Nigeria, Great Britain, Seychelles, World Non Profit Organizations, Czech Republic, Japan, Iraq, Poland, Myanmar, Singapore, Luxembourg, Kenya, USSR, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, Rwanda, Qatar, Honduras, Brazil, Latvia, Denmark, Argentina, Morocco, Finland, Cocos Islands, Slovenia, Grenada, France, Italy, Moldova, Hungary, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Columbia, Bahamas, Mongolia, South Korea, Benin, Brunei Darussalam, Mexico, Netherlands, Estonia, Turkey, Cyprus, Ghana, Paraguay, Ecuador, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Israel, Puerto Rico, Lithuania, Indian Ocean Territory, Arpanet, Uruguay, Slovak Republic, Indonesia, Sweden, Belarus, Thailand, Croatia, Venezuela, Philippines & Viet Nam.

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